The Herbivory Variability Network has standardized protocols for surveying herbivore damage on plants around the world and across the tree of life. Members contributing data to the HV database need to use these standardized protocols to ensure their data conform to our methods. And we encourage all plant-herbivore researchers to use the protocols as well to help make data comparable across studies.

Please see the Protocols Overview chapter of the HV Manual for an overview of all of our protocols and when they should be used.

Before you start collecting data, we strongly recommend you review the manual to develop an understanding of the motivations and structure of the project. For example, an overview of the project can be found in Chapter 1, and our network structure is described in Chapter 2.

For convenience, here is a list of links to all of our protocols:

  1. Primary Protocol for selecting plants and surveying leaf damage
    1. See our Guide to Estimating Damage for detailed methods and tips for quantifying damage
  2. Reproductive Damage Protocol
  3. Alternate Protocols for use in special circumstances
    1. Low Density/Low Abundance Plants Protocol
    2. Cacti & Succulent Protocol
    3. Large Tree Protocol
    4. Rhizomatous Geophyte Protocol
    5. Herbivore Protocol

Datasheets and field guides can be found here.